i've neglected maya for too long and it needed some love - and i bought the program for my new laptop: i made this while watching CSI. has anybody noticed that the very first person they interview is almost always the same person who been gone did commited the crime? i have. i got this other program called mudbox - it's like z brush but simplified
i'm having the live action actor from my grad project transform back and forth between live action and 3d in a couple shots where he's having a mental break down. this is a screenie of right before we zoom into his eye
i was playing around with a new plug-in for after effects - you can make it select different audio frequencies and keyframe different attributes - then you link those keyframes to fancy things like... the timewarp effect for example thus making stuff move all cool in beat. yep. and because i am so vain i put my name on the end of this experimental test piece
astonaut dude for fun - perhaps a fun little project i am working on? he hears a sound but he doesn't know where it's coming from so he's looking around... and then he sees it - A MONSTER! blast blast blast
this is a screenshot from AE of the elements i am combining together as a redo shot from my grad project... generally i would at least crop it so it looks nice in photoshop. blah. i blame the economy. everybody else is...