
Website Redesign

I was going to make a big post of all the stuff that I did during my internship at Juxt Interactive... but I have to wait until the work that I did there is published by the clients before I can publicly post it here. sorry folks. soon though. until then - here is some redesign work that I am doing on my website. I picked up a lot of Flash while working at the web ad agency... hmmm.... imagine that. Once this bad boy is up and good to go I'll post it here so you know where to see all my neat professional stuff.



somethin somethin

a little somethin somethin i was playing around with in 3D - the plan is to animated the letters tearing out of the glassy crystal thing... when i get around to it


Juxt Motion Reel Intros

Intern Motion from eric armstrong on Vimeo.

Intern Motion 2 from eric armstrong on Vimeo.

these are some concepts i whipped up for a motion reel at Juxt Interactive - i didn't design the logos but everything else was me... my favorite part is in the second one right before the energy beam shoots out - all the particles come to a gradual stop and then take off when the beam fires: i don't the vimeo does frame by frame so you may have to look close




fat post coming by the end of this week

* until i was told i wasn't legally allowed to post the work that i did at juxt for another few weeks/months