
giraffro KRUMP

this is my final project for 3D this semester... i wanted to spend most of my time on actually animating as opposed to modeling, rigging, texturing, lighting, blah blah blah - i had a lot of fun, i think that if i had a better rig to animate with i would have been a lot less frustrated and couldn't taken this to a whole new level - but seeing that i basically had to teach myself everything and we had a month to work on the project, i'm pretty impressed with myself. i did everything in maya.

i animated about 9 different little scenes and then put down 2 or 3 cameras for each of them - i rendered them out and using my best friend AFTER EFFECTS, i composited them all together into one congruent dance.

i lost a little bit of patience waiting for giraffro's hair to render - one scene without hair took about 30 seconds, and with hair it took about a half hour: i've been told that i need to learn how to model hair that doesn't take forever to render. makes sense if you ask me... i'll get around to it sooner or later. i included at the very end a shot of giraffro rendered with hair to show how cool he looks. most likely with the extra time over the summer i will clean up this piece and render it out with hair.

my original project is hi-def... but for blogger i shrunk it down to a web video size so i could post it (the animation is a little harder to see but cool nonetheless)